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Andres Felipe Silva Gomez in County Q Studio in Nashville with Cody Brooks...Tracking for Raul of Aprendiz...Beier 1.5 Steel--4 x 15..

Andres Felipe Silva Gomez-Brazil-Spring 2019....With one his mains-Beier 1.5 Steel--4 x 15. Thank You Andres....Great chatting yesterday!

Andrés Felipe Silva Gómez's kit- Punta Arenas, Chile-Mañana Seguimos En Pto Montt-Beier 1.5 Steel--4 x 15...

Andres Felipe Silva Gomez' live kit-Festival De Huasco-Chile-February 2019-Beier 1.5 Steel--4 x 15. Thank You Andres...

One of South America's greats-Andres Felipe Silva Gomez-Live in Santiago Chile-Summer 2019-With his main-Beier 1.5 Steel--4 x 15.....
Andres Felipe Silva Gomez (LaShola Studio-Nashville)-Live on the 2022 Savannah Rae tour with one of his mains-Beier 1.5 Steel--6.5 x 14. Thank You my friend....
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