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Achim Faerber's live kit for Project Pitchfork with his main-The Beier 1.5 Steel--5.5 x 14. He also has used his 1.5 Steel--5.5 x 15 live with them...

Achim Faerber's kit (Automat, Eisbrecher, Project Pitchfork, Peter Heppner)-Candybomber Studio-Berlin-New Automat Record-#1...Beier 1.5 Steel--4 x 13. Achim also uses a 1.5 Steel--5.5 x 14 as his main. Thank You Achim!

Achim Faerber's (Peter Heppner, Eisbrecher, Project Pitchfork, Automat) live kit with Peter Heppner-The Autostadt-Wolfsburg, Germany....With #1-Beier 1.5 Steel--4 x 13. Many Thanks Achim...

Achim Faerber's (Eisbrecher, Project Pitchfork, Automat, Prag, Peter Heppner) kit in session for a new release at Echobeach Records, Hamburg, this last weekend. Achim is using his 1.5 Steel--5.5 x 15 for this record, and it is one of the first of the 1.5 Steel--5.5 x 15 drums that were manufactured here years ago. This record sounds very interesting my friend...Please keep me posted. Vielen Dank!

Achim Faerber's (Eisbrecher, Project Pitchfork, Prag, Automat) kit in rehearsals for a live radioplay in Cologne, Germany...Beier 1.5 Steel--5.5 x 14 & 5.5 x 15....Thank You Achim...

Achim Faerber's kit for the 2018 Peter Heppner Tour-Germany-With #1 of the Beier 1.5 Steel--4 x 13...

Achim Faerber (Automat, Eisbrecher, Project Pitchfork, Peter Heppner) in the studio for the new release from Automat. Achim is using one of his long time mains-Beier 1.5 Steel--5.5 x 14.....

Achim Faerber's kit (Eisbrecher, Project Pitchfork, Automat, Prag, Peter Heppner) in the studio for recording with his #1 of the Beier 1.5 Steel--4 x 13. Please see the Audio Section for his sample of this drum. Thank You Achim!

The kit of a German legend-Achim Faerber (Project Pitchfork, Eisbrecher, Peter Heppner, Automat, Prag) on the 2023 Project Pitchfork Tour with one of his long time mains-Beier 1.5 Steel--5.5 x 14. Thank You my friend....
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